14 thoughts on “Fernando Torres – 2010/2011”

  1. the vid is so short beccause he didn’t do much at chelsea, the uploader had to take some liverpool goals to make it longer

  2. @REDGame2K11 time will tell.
    i saw nando play in Boston June 4th, he looked great. back in form.

  3. @MetroStationLovers01 Yep I understand. Not a good year for Torres, he’ll probably be better next time. I think Chicharito will do even better next season. Really like this fella

  4. @REDGame2K11 i’m saying you can’t compare fernando’s like 4th year in the EPL to chicha’s first..rookie year is the usually always the best.

  5. @REDGame2K11 compare nandos rookie year to chicha? like seriously?
    chicha- 20
    nando -33
    goood try though (:

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